Mayyun Welcomes Initiatives to Open Roads in Marib and Taizz

Mayyun Human Rights Organization Welcomes Initiatives to Open Roads in Yemen
Sana’a, Yemen – June 9, 2024 – Mayyun Human Rights Organization commends the initiatives to open Al-Baydha-Marib road, Al-Hoban-Jola Al-Qasr-Al-Qamb road in Taiz, and Al-Sitteen Street-Central Taiz City road.
Mayyun encourages these steps as they aim to alleviate the suffering of civilians that has persisted for years and build trust between the parties to the conflict. The organization urges all parties to expedite the completion of logistical arrangements and practical procedures to ensure the safe passage of civilians without obstacles, impediments, or fears for their safety.
Mayyun stresses the importance of all parties responding positively to all community and other initiatives to open closed roads, which have had painful humanitarian, economic, social, and security consequences for civilians. It calls on all parties to prioritize the interests of the population and mitigate the effects of the war.
Mayyun further calls for the continuation of these initiatives to open the remaining closed roads, including Al-Jarrahi-Hais road in Hodeidah Governorate, Sana’a-Marib road, Ibb-Dhale’a road, and Al-Baydha-Abyan road.
In conclusion, Mayyun reiterates its welcome and support for these initiatives and affirms that it will work with other partners to monitor the implementation of these positive steps and ensure that there is no procrastination in their implementation or backtracking on them.
Issued by Mayyun Human Rights Organization
June 9, 2024