A statement condemning the bombing of a residential neighborhood in Taiz and the deaths of children

A statement condemning the bombing of a residential neighborhood in Taiz and the deaths of children
We strongly condemn the artillery shelling carried out by Houthi group today, Saturday, July 23, 2022 AD, on Zaid Al-Mushki neighborhood in Taiz city, which resulted in the injury of 11 children, 5 of whom are in serious condition. This barbaric bombardment, which was carried out with mortar shells, while the truce declared by the United Nations was in effect, sought to inflict the largest number of civilians, especially children, in a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law that may amount to a crime of genocide. We in the Mayyun Organization condemn this unbridled tendency to commit bloody acts. We call upon the United Nations Special Envoy to Yemen, the UN offices operating in Yemen and the countries sponsoring peace in Yemen to express and clear condemnation of this crime and to emphasize its gravity and the need for its perpetrators not to go unpunished. Issued by Mayyun Human Rights Organization July 23, 2022