آخر الاخبارأخبار ميونبيانات

On World Humanitarian Day, mayyun urges the protection of humanitarian workers.

“On this 19th of August, World Humanitarian Day, Mayyuun Organization extends its deepest gratitude to all humanitarian workers – individuals and organizations – providing aid in Yemen. These individuals operate under incredibly challenging and dangerous circumstances, particularly those working in areas controlled by the Houthis.

In 2024, we have witnessed an escalation of restrictions and harassment on humanitarian aid efforts. This includes the abduction and disappearance of dozens of UN and international organization staff, as well as civil society leaders. Their fate remains unknown, with families left in the dark for over 80 days.
In addition to smear campaigns targeting humanitarian workers with accusations of espionage and foreign government collaboration, exposing them to significant security and societal risks, the Houthis have imposed restrictions on Yemeni women’s movement between governorates, demanding what they term “permits.”

At Mayyun , we fully understand the devastating consequences of obstructing humanitarian workers from fulfilling their critical role in providing life-saving aid to thousands of people in need in Yemen. These tragic violations pose a grave threat to the humanitarian situation in the country.
Attacks on humanitarian workers, civil society, and human rights defenders must cease.

We condemn the hate speech directed against them and reiterate our call for the immediate release of all detained UN, international, and local organization staff, as well as diplomatic embassy personnel.
Issued by Mayyun Human Rights Organization
August 19, 2024″

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