آخر الاخباربيانات

Mayyun for Human Rights Welcomes Saudi Arabia’s Extension of MASAM Mine Clearance Project in Yemen for One Year

Mayyun for Human Rights commends the decision by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) to extend the implementation contract for the MASAM project, which aims to clear Yemeni lands of mines, for an additional year.

Yemen stands as one of the most severely landmine-infested nations worldwide, with statistics indicating the planting of hundreds of thousands of mines, posing a significant threat to civilian lives.

Mayyun expresses its deepest appreciation for all humanitarian efforts that alleviate the suffering of Yemenis. In this context, we extend our utmost gratitude to the remarkable efforts of MASAM project, which has successfully cleared over 450,919 mines during six years of unwavering dedication and hard work.

This critical humanitarian project has played a pivotal role in the removal and destruction of mines planted indiscriminately by the Houthi militia, employing various forms and disguises that have endangered the lives of women, children, and the elderly in residential areas and livelihoods.

In light of this, we reiterate our call upon the Houthi militia to hand over maps of the minefields they have planted across Yemen’s provinces, enabling MASAM project and other programs and initiatives to eliminate this lurking threat to innocent civilians.

Issued by Mayyun for Human Rights

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