A Welcoming Statement on the Results of the Sixth Meeting of the Supervisory Committee for the Exchange of Prisoners

Mayyun expresses her appreciation for the efforts of the Office of the UN Envoy to Yemen and the International Committee of the Red Cross in facilitating the sixth meeting of the Supervisory Committee for the implementation of the agreement on the release and exchange of prisoners and detainees between the parties in Yemen. It welcomes the parties’ success in identifying the names of detainees to be released in an upcoming exchange, the establishment of a joint committee to support the process of verifying the names of prisoners on the lists, and the parties’ commitment to facilitate Red Cross visits to detention centers to help verify identities. It demands the speedy completion of final lists of prisoners and detainees and the completion of a comprehensive exchange process according to the principle of “all for all” so that they can be reunited with their families as soon as possible. Issued by Mayyun Human Rights Organization August 1, 2022